Spring Food Plots

9 products

  • Generation-2 Soybeans

    Real World Real World Generation-2 Soybeans (50 lb. Bag)

    Real World Soybeans: 50 LB. Bag = One Acre Many experienced land managers consider soybeans to be the best crop to grow in their plots. Soybeans can provide a high quality food source to the deer on your property for the majority of the year. Deer will start browsing on soybeans as soon as they germinate and continue feeding on them through the entire growing season. Once the soybean plants have matured, deer will feed off the soybean grain inside the pods. Forage Soybeans? Dare to Compare! All soybeans are not the same however. Forage soybeans have been hyped as something special for deer plots but testing has proven that forage soybeans do not have the same level of protein and other key nutrients as Real World soybeans. This has been shown in multiple side-by-side tests where tissue samples were analyzed at independent labs. Furthermore, forage soybeans do not have the grain production of Real World soybeans, in fact forage soybeans have a longer growing season and in some areas they will not even mature and produce any grain at all. If you are planting forage soybeans in your food plots we challenge you to buy one bag of Real World soybeans and plant them side-by-side. There is no better way to see first-hand which soybean is best on your property. Don’t you really want to be planting the best? Dare to Compare! Real World's new “Generation-2” soybeans is a blend of four different soybean varieties with maturities ranging from 4.0 to 5.4 and are better for wildlife food plots than other soybeans for these reasons: They produce a tremendous amount of forage and grain to feed your deer throughout the entire hunting season. Forage soybeans often die and provide nothing after the first frost. They are shatter resistant, meaning the soybean grain will stay within the pods where deer can readily consume it. They are higher in oil content than most other soybean varieties. High-oil soybeans are more attractive to hungry whitetails and provide higher levels of important nutrients. Real Worlds Generation-2 soybeans are available in our “regular blend” at this time. We still sell the same great northern variety that we have in the past for customers in more northern regions. Real World soybeans are also “glyphosate tolerant” meaning that you can spray glyphosate herbicide right over the top of your soybean plots to keep them weed free. Glyphosate is an easy-to-acquire, over-the-counter herbicide that will kill weeds but not harm your Real World soybean plants.


  • Switchgrass - A Man Standing in Tall Grass

    Real World Real World Switchgrass

    Real World variety switch grass is the same switch grass that we use in our Bedding-In-A-Bag. In our side-by-side tests, this switch grass stood better than any other variety we tested including the popular Cave-In-Rock variety. Our Real World Switch Grass will get 7’-8’ tall. Don’t take our word for it, Dare to Compare! Planting straight switch grass instead of “Bedding in a Bag” is the best option on wetter sites such as creek or river bottoms where other grasses do not do as well. Many of our customers also use Real World switch grass to create screening cover along food plots or access routes to their stands.  Product Coverage: 10 Lb. Bag Covers 2-3 Acres 50 Lb. Bag Covers 10-15 Acres Note –When planting warm-season native grasses for bedding cover, always remember that bigger is better when it comes to plot size. Deer are much more likely to bed in bigger plots of these grasses than smaller ones. On our own properties we never plant plots of these grasses smaller than 5 acres.

    $279.99 - $1,399.95

  • Bag of Clover / Chicory Blend

    Real World Real World Clover / Chicory Blend

    5 lb. Jug = 1/2 Acre | 10 lb. Bag = 1 AcreRWWP Clover & Chicory contains only the very best varieties found in our test plots. We started by planting every clover variety we could find side-by-side and letting the deer tell us which ones they preferred. Chicory makes a great companion crop with clover and makes up 3% of the total blend. Chicory is packed with protein and drought hardy. The particular variety of chicory we use was the most attractive variety in our testing. Clover produces tons of forage throughout the year and is a staple for the serious land manger looking to produce the most forage he can for his herd. This blend is also great for fire breaks, access lanes, logging roads, and slightly shaded small plots that can be maintained through mowing.In 2017, Real World President, Don Higgins, accidentally discovered a specific variety of perennial red clover. Deer were leaving his highly managed whitetail mecca to browse in a neighbor’s hay field. Real World did some digging to find out which variety it was and then had our field testers across the country test the variety for themselves. After seeing similar results, we added it to our clover & chicory blend. We already felt that RWWP Clover & Chicory could hold its own against anything on the market but now we have made it even better.As with all Real World products, there are no cheap filler seeds or excess seed coating in this blend. We also only use perennial clover where most companies mix in annuals. With more seed of the varieties proven to be preferred by whitetails in our tests, we challenge you to plant this blend next to any other clover blend on the market. Real World prefers to educate our customers about reading seed tags in order to buy the best quality products possible. Check out the comparison below of what we offer compared to our leading competitor offers for one acre of clover. The difference is unbelievable!RWWP Clover & ChicoryFor one acre:10 lbs. – 6% inert matter = 9.4 lbs. of seed9.4 lbs. of seed x 90% germination = 8.46 lbs. of good seed | 100% of this seed is perennialLeading Competitor’s CloverFor one acre:8 lbs. – 34% inert matter = 5.28 lbs. of seed5.28 lbs. of seed x 80% germination = 4.224 lbs. of good seed | ½ of this seed is perennial and ½ are annuals

    $51.99 - $81.99

  • Northern Soybeans

    Real World Real World Northern Soybeans

    Real World Soybeans: 50 Lb. Bag = One Acre Many experienced land managers consider soybeans to be the best crop to grow in their plots. Soybeans can provide a high quality food source to the deer on your property for the majority of the year. Deer will start browsing on soybeans as soon as they germinate and continue feeding on them through the entire growing season. Once the soybean plants have matured, deer will feed off the soybean grain inside the pods. Forage Soybeans? Dare to Compare! All soybeans are not the same however. Forage soybeans have been hyped as something special for deer plots but testing has proven that forage soybeans do not have the same level of protein and other key nutrients as Real World soybeans. This has been shown in multiple side-by-side tests where tissue samples were analyzed at independent labs. Furthermore forage soybeans do not have the grain production of Real World soybeans, in fact forage soybeans have a longer growing season and in some areas they will not even mature and produce any grain at all. If you are planting forage soybeans in your food plots we challenge you to buy one bag of Real World soybeans and plant them side-by-side. There is no better way to see first-hand which soybean is best on your property. Don’t you really want to be planting the best? Dare to Compare! Real World's Northern Soybean Blendincludes three different soybean varieties with maturities ranging from 2.0 to 3.4 and are better for wildlife food plots than other soybeans for these reasons: They produce a tremendous amount of forage and grain to feed your deer throughout the entire hunting season. Forage soybeans often die and provide nothing after the first frost. They are shatter resistant, meaning the soybean grain will stay within the pods where deer can readily consume it. Real World soybeans are also “glyphosate tolerant” meaning that you can spray glyphosate herbicide right over the top of your soybean plots to keep them weed free. Glyphosate is an easy-to-acquire, over-the-counter herbicide that will kill weeds but not harm your Real World soybean plants.


  • Bedding in a Bag - A Man Standing in Tall Grass

    Real World Real World Bedding in a Bag

    Product = 7 LB. Bag = One Acre Real World Wildlife Product's co-founder, Don Higgins, has worked for many years as a conservation contractor where he has planted thousands of acres of warm-season native grasses. Through this experience, he noticed that some species of these grasses stood up to the elements such as wind and snow better than others. Furthermore, Don noticed that different varieties of the same species would also stand up better to the weather than others. This prompted Don and his business partner, Kevin Boyer, to begin planting side-by-side test plots of these grasses using every variety that they could get their hands on. The result is Real World's “Bedding in a Bag”, a superior blend of tall, warm-season grasses that makes excellent bedding cover for deer as well as nesting cover for pheasants, quail, rabbits and other wildlife. Over the past several years, Real World customers have planted thousands of acres of this special blend containing Indian Grass, Big Bluestem and Switchgrass. We even had one customer plant 450 acres of it on his Iowa farm. The key to this blend's success is not the species of grasses that are included, but instead, the specific variety of each grass species. In our development of this blend, we planted every variety of these species that we could find and observed them over several years for standability under adverse weather conditions. The result is a blend of native grasses that typically grow 6’-8’ tall and stands up very well to the elements. If you want to create bedding cover in a hurry on your property, Real World's “Bedding-In-A-Bag” is the ticket!   Planting and Maintenance Instructions Establishing the warm season native grasses contained in the Real World’s “Bedding-in-a-Bag” mix can require some extra effort compared to other crops. This blend contains a total of 7# PLS (pure live seed) per acre. This is plenty of seed when a properly adjusted native grass planting drill is used. For other planting methods such as broadcast seeding you may need to plant at a higher rate per acre.Please keep this in mind when ordering. Note – the switchgrass seed is in a separate bag than the mix of big bluestem and Indian grass, due to the differences in the seed itself. When using a native grass drill there will be multiple seed boxes. The mix of big bluestem and Indian grass should be used in the native grass box which should be set at a seeding rate of 5# per acre. The switchgrass seed should be placed in the small seeds box and it should be set at 2# per acre. Proper Planting Time – RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix should be planted in mid to late spring when soil temperatures approach 60 degrees. In most parts of the country, April and early May is the perfect time for most of the United States. Planting Site – RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix works best in open field areas with lots of sunlight and well to moderately well drained soils. These grasses will not establish well in areas with lots of shade or when in competition with other vegetation. They are also not well suited for areas that flood and stand in water for more than a few days or in “gumbo” type soils. pH is not critical for these grasses and they are suited for the entire United States. Like any plant, these grasses will grow better in more fertile soils. Most sites will not require additional fertilizer. Site preparation and Planting – A good stand of RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix can be achieved without any tillage of the soil provided the ground is free of other vegetation and a no-till drill is used for planting. Planting depth should be 1/8 inch. DO NOT PLANT TOO DEEP! Fields that have previously been in other crops are perfect for no-till planting of this mix. Herbicide – It is very important to spray the planting site with a combination of Round-Up (glyphosate) and Plateau herbicides. Do NOT use more than 4 oz of Plateau per acre! Round-Up will kill any weeds growing on the site and Plateau is a herbicide specially designed for native grass plantings. It works as a residual (preventative) and will curtail later weed competition. This herbicide application is extremely important for getting your grass stand established quickly. Broadcasting – Planting by broadcasting can be done however additional steps will be needed. This seed is very fluffy and difficult to broadcast but it can be done. To help the seed flow through a broadcast seeder, mix the seed with pelleted lime. When broadcasting you may need to use more seed per acre. You will also need to work the ground with a disc or other tillage tool, lightly drag the seedbed after broadcasting or preferably use a culti-packer to firmly press the seed into the soil for good seed-soil contact. Do not attempt to establish these grasses unless the planting site is completely free of live vegetation! Maintenance – It is not necessary to fertilize these grasses. If weeds become too bad during the year of planting you can spray the field with 2-4D herbicide which will kill all broadleaf weeds and plants but will not harm any grasses. Do not use 2-4D until these grasses have at least 4 leaves per plant. You can also mow the plot to help with weeds but do not mow lower than 12”. These grasses respond very well to fire. If possible, it is advised to burn off these grasses about every third year in the early spring before green up. Fire not only stimulates these grasses but also sets back weed competition and kills woody sprouts and seedlings. With regular burnings these grass stands can last for decades. Keep this in mind when planning your planting. In many situations it is a good idea to plant a firebreak around the edge of fields planted to these grasses. Real Worlds Clover & Chicory mix makes a good firebreak and also offers the deer a travel corridor and place to feed just outside of their bedding sanctuary. Tips – Areas planted in RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix make ideal bedding cover for deer and other wildlife but there are a few things to keep in mind to make them more attractive to wildlife. Very small fields (under 2 or 3 acres) are not nearly as attractive to game as larger fields (5 acres+). Fields of these grasses will not be utilized nearly as much if there is undue hunting pressure in or very near them. We suggest that you never enter your grass fields but instead use them as sanctuaries for the deer on your property and hunt around the field edges. Note- RWWS Whitetail Bedding Mix may be used on some CRP (conservation reserve program) projects. You will likely need to add a small amount of other grasses and/or forbs to get a mixture that is acceptable to meet CRP specifications. In such cases you might not need to order as much seed as you have acres to plant. For example a 10 acre planting may use 8 acres of RWWS Whitetail Bedding mix and a few pounds of other seeds to be acceptable to USDA requirements. Be sure to check with your local NRCS/USDA office before using this mix on a CRP project or your funding could be in jeopardy. Note – When planting warm-season native grasses for bedding cover, always remember that bigger is better when it comes to plot size. Deer are much more likely to bed in bigger plots of these grasses than smaller ones. On our own properties, we never plant plots of these grasses smaller than 5 acres. Coverage: 1 acre per bag.

    $154.99 - $464.97

  • Upland Game Blend

    Real World Real World Upland Game Blend

    Product = 25 LB. Bag = One Acre For those land managers looking to attract more than just deer to their plots, Real World offers our Upland Game Blend. This mix contains sunflowers, soybeans, sorghum and millet. It is a great product for attracting pheasants, quail, turkeys, rabbits, song birds and a wide variety of wildlife. It is also a great product for deer and can be used to create edges in other plots or diversify your plantings to provide a wider variety of food sources for the game on your property.   Upland Game Blend – Planting Instructions Planting Date – Plant Real Worlds Upland Game Blend in the late spring or early summer, the same time you would plant soybeans. Site Prep – Start by spraying your plot in the spring to kill any vegetation. When it is time to plant, prepare a good seedbed by disking or tilling the ground so that it is primarily free of bigger dirt-clods. The soil does not need to be worked into a power-fine consistency but just free of large clods. Planting – Due to the different sizes of seed within the Upland Game Blend, broadcasting the seed is the only good way to plant it. After broadcasting the seed onto the worked ground, cover it by dragging the plot or disking it very lightly. The goal is to get the seed covered with about 1-inch of soil. Make sure the seed is not more than 1 ½ inches deep. If some of the seed is exposed on top of the ground, it can still grow as long as it gets adequate moisture. Note – Due to the variety of plant species within the Upland Game Blend there is no herbicide that can be sprayed on the plot. A few weeds within a plot of Upland Game Blend is not a big deal as deer will browse on most weed species to some degree and weed seeds provide good food for birds.


  • Real World Nutri-Crave Corn

    Real World Real World Nutri-Crave Corn

    Description RWWP “NUTRI-CRAVE” Corn Real World Wildlife Products has tested numerous corn varieties over the past decade looking for a variety that would stand out from other varieties in terms of nutrient content and attraction and compliment our soybeans. We have finally found it! Our new “Nutri-Crave” corn has higher levels of all major nutrients found in corn and also attracts hungry deer better than any other corn we have tested, 1 acre coverage. In our 2020 test plots Nutri-Crave 109-day corn had 11.12% protein and 12.97% fat. Corn from a nearby ag field tested at 6.86% protein and 3.86% fat. Real Worlds Nutri-Crave corn also had better figures for phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, zinc, iron and manganese. Another huge advantage is in total calories where Nutri-Crave corn has 225% more calories than the same volume of typical field corn. Just imagine what this means to deer feeding on Nutri-Crave corn during the winter! Most importantly, deer showed a very strong preference to Nutri-Crave corn compared to all other varieties tested. Real Worlds Nutri-Crave corn is non-GMO, at this time, we do not offer this in Roundup Ready variety.  If you grow corn in your food-plots or for livestock feed, you really need to try Nutri-Crave corn! You can even see the difference when comparing Real Worlds Nutri-Crave corn (on right) with standard ag corn (on left).    

    $159.99 - $389.99

  • Real World ENLIST Soybean Food Plot Blend

    Real World Real World ENLIST Soybean Food Plot Blend

    Product = 50 LB. Bag = One Acre Real World Wildlife Products has become known as the leader in supplying the best soybean products for wildlife land managers. Our soybean sales have increased each of the 12 years we have been in business, proving that our claim of having the best soybean for whitetails is not just an empty claim. The one issue that some customer have experienced however is with weeds in their soybean plots becoming resistant to glyphosate (RoundUp) so we have been diligently testing new varieties of soybeans to help address this growing concern. Enlist soybeans can be sprayed with glyphosate (RoundUp), glufosinate (Liberty) and 2-4D ColexD. By being able to use all of these chemicals the issue of resistant weeds can be addressed. We believe we have finally found the right blend of Enlist soybeans to take care of weed resistance issues without losing the attraction and shatter resistance found with our Generation-2 soybeans. In 2021 we are releasing a limited number of our new Enlist soybean blend to gather feedback from a wider geographic region.  Based on the feedback and testing, we are extending this same blend into 2022 as extended trial.


  • Nutri-Crave Deer Block

    Nutri-Crave Deer Block

    Real World Wildlife Products’ new Nutri-Crave Deer Blocks are unlike any other deer block on the market. When we started the development process, we wanted a block that would achieve three main targets –   a block that was more attractive to deer than any other block a block that offered more health benefits than any other block a block that does more to promote antler growth than any other block   To achieve these goals, we included our Nutri-Crave corn for attraction, our exclusive Expect Healthy Deer Technology for herd health and our Maximizer Plus deer mineral for antler growth. The result is an easy-to-use product to help serious land managers provide key nutrients deer need.



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